Friday, May 26, 2023

Tackling War and Peace -- with Mixed Results

Title: War and Peace
Author: Leo Tolstoy 
Widely considered Tolstoy's finest literary achievement. War and Peace is a weighty tome that combines a fictional narrative with Tolstoy's considerations on history and philosophy. Originally published as a serial beginning in 1865, the novel was published as a whole in 1869.  Five aristocratic families, around whom swirl the Napoleonic Wars and the French invasion of Russia, form the bones of the story. Tolstoy himself said that War and Peace is "not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less a historical chronicle."

A Somewhat Challenging Discussion

Typically, our group eagerly devours our book club selection but this month, not so much. Some read the book in its entirety, some dipped a toe in and bailed, some tried to listen to an audio book, and some didn't read it at all. Consequently, the discussion was less rigorous than was customary, but we forged ahead anyway.

An Opening Quote that Resonated

Jocey opened with a timely passage from Professor Gary Saul Morsen's recent article in Northwestern Magazine entitled "Lessons from Great Russian Novelists." Morsen states:

"In my forthcoming book on the Russian literary and political tradition, Wonder Confronts Certainty, I explore the positions Russian writers took on issues that will always matter. Does life have a meaning, and if so, what is it? If the universe is wholly explicable in terms of material cause and effect, are right and wrong mere conventions, or do they have some objective basis? How do people avoid taking responsibility for their actions (or inaction)? Are the most important moments of life the dramatic ones we all notice or the countless ordinary ones, including the tiniest movements of consciousness, that we overlook precisely because they are so ordinary? 

Tolstoy, for instance, insisted that life is a matter of “tiny, tiny alterations,” that goodness really exists and is seen most often in the small acts of kindness available at every moment, and that people too often use great theories about life and society as an alibi to avoid taking individual responsibility."


Insights and Opinions

+ Both Linda and Liz had finished the book and so carried the lion's share of the discussion. Liz has read it three times, at three different stages in her life, with each reading many years apart. Linda read it for the first time and found herself slowing at the end, to savor the last pages.

+ Liz's first read was as a college freshman. Too busy to read it along with the rest of her studies and too wound up in feminist leanings, she dismissed Tolstoy as a mysogynist, skipped over the battles, and wondered why Natasha was such a boob. (Don't read it when you're 17. Give it some years). Reading it again at 45, she was able to understand it, be patient with it, and acknowledge it for the masterpiece that it is. Finally, reading it now for book club, she noted the similarities between the Russian nobles' view of war as the search for glory and awards combined with love for the Tsar as if he were a god and the current disorganized, imperialistic debacle that is the Russian attack on Ukraine.

+ What Linda appreciates most about this work is this: it's a great story, universal in many ways, in the way the marriages are portrayed and in the business of war and what it is that makes us kill each other.

+ Tolstoy's philosophical speeches are a bit of a slog and interrupt the narrative. Both Linda and Liz felt they were unnecessary as Tolstoy's message comes through clearly in the narrative passages. But it's obvious these interrupting sections exist because they are Tolstoy's purpose in writing this book and he wants to make sure the reader gets it. We do, Leo, we do.

+ Pierre, the constant seeker for truth, and the taker of many faulty paths along the way, may in fact be the voice of Tolstoy.

+ There are many translations of War and Peace, some much better than others. Liz felt that the version she had was sub-par as the language in many places was clunky and off-putting.

+ Hiding within the text are instructive examples of what life was like for Russian aristocrats at the time -- copious smashing of glassware at banquets with an offhand "after the servants cleared the broken glass," endless servants helping aristocrats on or off with their overcoats, Pierre's first meeting with the Masons when he takes off his fur coat "without the help of servants."

+ Recommendations from those who read it and loved it: Secure a good translation. Read it. Take your time with it when there's no deadline. It's well worth your time.

Steve Wilbers' Book is Alive!

Kudos to Steve Wilbers for his new book, Persuasive Communication for Science and Technology Leaders, published by IEEE Press. 


What We Are Reading Next

Our next session will be June 19, 2023, at Linda's. We will read two books by Claire Keegan: Foster and Small Things Like These. Both of these, Margy assures us, are short.



Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk -- to Russia

Title: Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk
Author: Kathleen Rooney

Title: War and Peace
Author: Leo Tolstoy

It's a "two-fer" this month. Our aggressively ambitious book club decided to tackle two books at once, so we will summarize discussion on both (with thanks to Jocey, who both hosted and wrote what follows).

First Things First

Steve, Linda, Chris, Margy, Lois, and Shirley gathered on April 17 at Jocey's house. We appreciated sun shining upon us after this cold and never-ending winter.

Notes from social hour:
+ Lois witnessed protests in Paris, reported gifts being received in Venice with exclamations of "mama mia!" She also discovered the delights of doctors who make house calls and enjoyed being the recipient of a bartender serving his first Bellini. 

+ Margy endured (but did not hate) the cold and rain offered by Palm Springs this winter. The rain produced amazing spring blooms and the prettiest flowers were her visitors Chris and Vickie. Travel tip: Palm Spring's funky hotel named Twist.

+ Steve and Debbie jockeyed for book club audio book airtime on their epic road trip, which included Santa Fe, Bryce, Zion, and Grand Canyon. War and Peace may have lost that battle.

On to Lillian

+ We started our discussion with Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney. Those who listened were enchanted by the audio version and agreed the narrator impacts the book experience. We were impressed by the young author's insights into older years (what we assume older years to be). Margy thought this novel could be viewed as historical fiction.
+ Lillian lived life as she chose. She did not need to be married to be fulfilled. She would rather work and be the best paid person in the world. 

+ Lillian was a writer and Chris loved how she stood up to the world. This book felt real -- a woman who feels out of synch with he time. Liz, Linda, and Chris all identified with what each of them had to deal with in their own young professional lives.
+ We were struck by a few lines: "I'm old, I have nothing but time. Free time. Time to kill before time kills me." "A mute rant, one of many." "Unproductive churring."
+ As we thought about Lillian Boxfish in comparison to War and Peace, we noted that books about war are considered important while books about domestic life are not. 

 Tostoy's Turn in the Spotlight

+ After showing off our versions of War and Peace, we decided the Penguin Book version might be the best. Chris wondered if War and Peace was worth the time it took to read. Lois nodded and Jocey busied herself with note-taking.
+ We felt Tolstoy's brilliance lies with telling you what the characters say and then what they are thinking. We wondered why War and Peace is considered a masterpiece -- not that we refute this designation, but rather than we wanted to get to the heart of it. 

+ We marveled that Liz has read War and Peace three times and can't wait for her to come home from abroad, recover from COVID, and join our discussion. But she shared from afar that she loves how you are immersed in the culture from the standpoint of another time.

+ A theme that continues to resonate is how differently people are treated depending on how much money they have -- Pierre is ignored until he inherits money. "...they took off their fur coats without the help of servants." Jocey noted this is also a theme in Glenn's forthcoming novel, Doorman Wanted, to be released by Koehler Books in January, 2024.

+ Steve wondered if this is a novel of manners -- like Jane Austen's work. Other thoughts: Love stories, war, men are put into a box -- they go off to smoke. Men are portrayed as idiots. Woman are married to their rules and regulations.

+ Linda pointed out that Tolstoy is known for repetition, so the translation is important. Some translations avoid this repetition, yet repetition is key to the style. (Jocey is now hopeful she'll get some style kudos on this report).

+ Linda recommended watching the BBC eight-episode film version of the novel as a complement to help navigate the complexity of tracking the various characters.

+ Margy noted that War and Peace is the literary equivalent of running a marathon. We can all aspire to the intellectual athleticism of the Museum of Russian Art gift shop manager, who reads it every five years and understands it differently each time.

+ We marveled at the various translations (a conversation beween two languages) of a sentence and Linda shared examples of Tolstoy's gift for poetic brevity: "Drops dipped." "Quiet talk went on." "Someone snored."

Next Up

We will continue the W&P discussion on May 15 at Steve's home. We've not yet chosen our June book.